Friday, February 10, 2012

True Serendipity

I wake up one day in my third floor apartment with my daughter Destinee, one & half at the time next to me & I think to myself, I need to seriously do something with my life for us. I call a friend of mine at the time & say, "what do you want to do with the rest of your life"? She explains to me she wants to be a hair dresser. I at the time think its a silly idea and continue to tell her, "people always tell me to go to beauty school, that cant be for me. I'll sell houses for a living." We then decided we would get up for the day, get ourselves and our kids ready and go check out schools together. I printed out some programs in the area you take to get licensed to sell houses & she says well first lets look at cosmetology school. 
So I go in with her with no intention of being a stylist. I fall in love at first sight. The energy, the atmosphere, the ART being created, the possibility's in that school were endless! I'm instantly over whelmed. The lady giving the tour ( Christina Balasco ) was giving my friend all the paper work needed to sign up for the program and I instantly asked for one too. She then starts giving her the tour of the school and I asked to join as well. Everyone looked so focused, so beautiful, so well put together. I had to do this. I always enjoyed helping other people & making them look & feel beautiful. As a teen I would offer make overs, to girls my age from church, I'd put some eye shadow on them & straighten their hair, Just something little but it would make them smile. But could I do it as a profession? It looked hard....     We finished the tour & I informer her I also would like to attend the program & come back and fill out the proper paper work.
 Some time goes by and I got scared. Could not make an actual commitment to something for TEN MONTHS OMG! The school continually called me, said it was a decision I had to make & had to do it fast. I prayed & prayed if this was what I was supposed to do for me and my daughter God will let me know. More time went by and it became clear to me it was meant for me. Found out my aunt was once a hair dresser, people out in public would randomly come up & ask me if i was & that had never happened to me before. Just more & more signs it was meant to be. So I called the school went in the next day & filled out my paper work!! 
First week was so nerve racking learning to hold the shears & all the proper terms of things I'm thinking, omg I am never going to do this why would I do this to myself. After a while of sticking it out & focusing on this is what has to be done for me and my daughter, it became less of a "job" but and amazing talent unraveling I never knew I had. A "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful without looking for it; serendipity.  
My Motivation My little girl Destinee <3

1 comment:

  1. Jackie, this is such a beautiful story. When reading it, we can feel you put your heart into it and your career! Congrats on all of your present and future successes! I'm thankful and proud to be a part of your life.


    Emilio IV
